Admission Process
Entry into the Physician Assistant Program at the University of Dubuque is a competitive process involving multiple steps (A3.16).

Step 1: Electronically complete and submit the Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA) at Follow the guidelines for submission as stated on the CASPA Web Site. The CASPA application is used in lieu of the official application to the University of Dubuque. Applicants are not required to submit both an application to the University of Dubuque and a CASPA application. Applications for the program will be accepted beginning April 30, 2020. The application deadline is October 1, 2020. Your application must be verified by CASPA by the deadline date, and we must have your official GRE scores by the deadline date (our CASPA GRE code is 1620). We recommend you submit your application and required materials by September 1 to give CASPA sufficient time to verify your application. No additional application is needed.

Step 2: As applications become verified by CASPA, the admissions committee will review application materials. Beginning in July, the most competitive applicants will receive an email inviting them to campus to interview.

Step 3: Following the interview, the admission committee will tabulate and review interview results, cumulative and science prerequisite grade point averages, GRE scores, healthcare experience, letters of recommendation, and other factors that may enhance an application, all of which admission selection will be based.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As a regular decision admission process, we strongly encourage early application to secure an interview pre-scheduled for October and early November.
2020-21 PA  Admission Factors