List of Summer 2021 Courses Meeting UD old CORE Requirements (prior to 2019-20 catalog)

All online courses are eight weeks in length and most will run from Monday May 24 - Friday July 16. Those denoted with an * below will run from Monday June 7- Thursday July 29.

General Required Courses

SessionCourse #Course TitleFormatRequirement
2 ENG 101  Composition & Rhetoric  F2F  Comp & Rhetoric 
O2  ENG 101  Composition & Rhetoric  Online*  Comp & Rhetoric  
May  RES 104  Research Writing  F2F  Intro to Res Writing 
O1  RES 104  Research Writing  Online  Intro to Res Writing 
O2  RES 104  Research Writing  Online*  Intro to Res Writing 
May  COM 101  Speech Communication  F2F  Speech 
COM 101  Speech Communication  F2F  Speech 
O1  MATH 111  Collegiate Mathematics  Online  Math or Logic 
O1  MATH 112  College Algebra  F2F  Math or Logic 
MATH 112  College Algebra  Online  Math or Logic 
O1  MATH 150  Precalculus  Online  Math or Logic 
1 MATH 230  Introduction to Statistics  F2F  Math or Logic/WVIII 
O1  MATH 230  Introduction to Statistics  Online  Math or Logic/WVIII 
O1  MATH 250  Calculus I:Differential Calculus  Online  Math or Logic 
CIS 101  Intro to Computers  F2F  Intro to Computers 
O1  CIS 101  Intro to Computers   Online   Intro to Computers  
O1  BIO 111  Biological Science and Lab  Online  Science w/Lab 
CHM 105  General, Organic & Biochem./Lab  F2F  Science w/Lab 
CHM 111  General Chemistry I/Lab  F2F  Science w/Lab 
CHM 112  General Chemistry II/Lab  F2F  Science w/Lab 
O2  THEO 110  Judeo-Christian Journeys  Online*  Judeo Christian 
May HWS 110  Activity Course – Physical Fitness  F2F  Phys Ed 
May HWS 110  Activity Course – Track & Field  F2F  Phys Ed 
2 HWS 110 Activity Course - Basketball F2F Phys Ed

Pillar Courses

SessionCourse #Course TitleFormatRequirement
1 COM 210 Interpersonal Communication F2F Social Development
May EDU 119 Human Relation Skills F2F Social Development
O1 PSY 110 Intro to Psychology Online Social Development
O2 SOC 111 Intro to Sociology Online* Social Development
2 ENG 112 Intro to Literature F2F Aesthetics A
O1 ENG 112 Intro to Literature Online Aesthetics A
May ENG 260 Lit. & Culture: Literature of Sport F2F Aesthetics A
O1 ART 112 Survey of Western Art II Online Aesthetics B
May ART 367 Digital Photography F2F Aesthetics B
O1 MUSC 111 Music Appreciation Online Aesthetics B
May MUSC 236 Jazz History F2F Aesthetics B
O2 BIO 125 Population, Resources & Environment Online* Stewardship
2 BIO 125 Population, Resources & Environment F2F Stewardship
May EVS 256 Environ Field Studies: Sustainable UD F2F Stewardship
May PHL 214 Environmental Ethics F2F Stewardship/WVIII
O1 PHL 214 Environmental Ethics Online Stewardship/WVIII
1 EDU 210 Journeys in Nature F2F Stewardship
May ECON 102 Principles of Macroeconomics F2F Global Awareness A
O1 INTL 115 World Geography Online Global Awareness A
O2 HIST 121 World Civilization Online* Global Awareness A
O1 SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish I Online Global Awareness B
1 SPAN 311 Advanced Spanish Proficiency Hybrid Global Awareness B
2 BAC 340 Effective Communication in Business F2F WVIII
O2 EDU 303 Reading & Writing in Content Area Online* WVIII
O1 AVI 401 Applied Aerodynamics Online WVIII
O2 COM 495 Communication Senior Seminar Online* WV IV

List of Summer 2021 Courses Meeting UD New General Education Requirements (beginning with 2019-20 catalog)

All online courses are eight weeks in length and most will run from Monday May 24 – Friday July 16. Those denoted with an * below will run from Monday June 7 - Thursday July 29.

I. Foundational Intellectual and Practical Skills

SessionCourse #Course TitleFormatRequirement
2 ENG 101 Composition & Rhetoric F2F Written Com
O2 ENG 101 Composition & Rhetoric Online* Written Com
May COM 101 Speech Communication F2F Oral Com
1 COM 101 Speech Communication F2F Oral Com
O1 MATH 111 Collegiate Mathematics Online Quantitative Literacy
O1 MATH 112 College Algebra Online Quantitative Literacy
2 MATH 112 College Algebra F2F Quantitative Literacy
O1 MATH 150 Precalculus Online Quantitative Literacy
1 MATH 230 Introduction to Statistics F2F Quantitative Literacy
O1 MATH 230 Introduction to Statistics Online Quantitative Literacy
O1 MATH 250 Calculus I:Differential Calculus Online Quantitative Literacy
May RES 104 Research Writing F2F Information Literacy
O1 RES 104 Research Writing Online Information Literacy
O2 RES 104 Research Writing Online* Information Literacy

I. Engagement and Responsibility - Natural World

Session Course #Course TitleFormatRequirement
O1  BIO 111  Biological Science and Lab  Online  Science w/Lab 
CHM 105  General, Organic & Biochem./Lab  F2F  Science w/Lab 
CHM 111  General Chemistry I/Lab  F2F  Science w/Lab 
CHM 112  General Chemistry II/Lab  F2F   Science w/Lab 
O2  BIO 125  Population, Resources & Environment  Online*  Environ Stewardship 
BIO 125  Population, Resources & Environment  F2F  Environ Stewardship 
EDU 210  Journeys in Nature  F2F  Environ Stewardship 
May  PHL 214  Environmental Ethics  F2F  Environ Stewardship 
O1  PHL 214  Environmental Ethics  Online  Environ Stewardship 
May EVS 256  Environ Field Studies: Sustainable UD  F2F  Environ Stewardship 

I. Engagement and Responsibility - Social Interaction

SessionCourse #Course TitleFormatRequirement
1 COM 210 Interpersonal Communication F2F Social Development
May EDU 119 Human Relation Skills F2F Social Development
O1 PSY 110 Intro to Psychology Online Social Development
O2 SOC 111 Intro to Sociology Online* Social Development
O1 INTL 115 World Geography Online Intercultural Engage
O1 SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish I Online Intercultural Engage
1 SPAN 311 Advanced Spanish Proficiency Hybrid Intercultural Engage
May SOC 368 Cuba: Our Forbidden Neighbor (travel) F2F Intercultural Engage

I. Engagement and Responsibility - Human Expression

SessionCourse #Course TitleFormatRequirement
2 ENG 112 Intro to Literature F2F Literature
O1 ENG 112 Intro to Literature Online Literature
May ENG 260 Lit. & Culture: Literature of Spot F2F Literature
O1 ART 112 Survey of Western Art II Online Fine & Perform Arts
May ART 367 Digital Photography F2F Fine & Perform Arts
O1 MUSC 111 Music Appreciation Online Fine & Perform Arts
May MUSC 236 Jazz History F2F Fine & Perform Arts

I. Engagement and Responsibility - History and Faith

SessionCourse #Course TitleFormatRequirement
O2 THEO 110 Judeo-Christian Journeys Online* Judeo Christian
May PHL 214 Environmental Ethics F2F Hist/Phil/Poli
O1 PHL 214 Environmental Ethics Online Hist/Phil/Poli
O2 HIST 121 World Civilization Online* Hist/Phil/Poli
O1 HIST 212 US History Since 1865 Online Hist/Phil/Poli
May HIST 257 Topics: Military History to 1453 F2F Hist/Phil/Poli
May HIST 257 Topics: History of women in Film F2F Hist/Phil/Poli
May POLI 150 The Politics of Imagined Worlds F2F Hist/Phil/Poli

I. Engagement and Responsibility - Personal Development

SessionCourse #Course TitleFormatRequirement
May HWS 248 Wellness for a Healthy Lifestyle F2F Physical Wellness
May HWS 110 Activity Course – Physical Fitness F2F Physical Wellness
May HWS 110 Activity Course – Track & Field F2F Physical Wellness
2 HWS 110 Activity Course - Basketball F2F Physical Wellness
May ECON 123 Personal Investing F2F Pers/Fin Stewardship
May PRF 200 Personal Empowerment F2F Pers/Fin Stewardship
O1 BAC 262 Personal Financial Stewardship Online Pers/Fin Stewardship

II. Integration and Application

SessionCourse #Course TitleFormatRequirement
O2 COM 495 Communications Senior Seminar Online* Major Capstone