Curriculum Requirements

All bachelor's degrees require a minimum of 120 credit hours, inclusive of UD general education and major requirements as well as elective courses.

Professional Education Core (ALL EDUCATION MAJORS)
*(Admission to Teacher Education is required for all 300 and 400 Level Courses)

  • EDU 100: Introduction to Education (2) - 10 hours of school-related service learning
  • EDU 119: Human Relations (3)
  • EDU 200: Foundations of Education (3) - 20 hours of field experience
  • EDU 202: Introduction to Inclusion, K-12 (3) - 10 hours of field experience.
  • EDU 240: Learning and Teaching Processes (3)
  • *EDU 303: Reading & Writing in the Content Areas (3)
  • *EDU 310: Assessment of Regular & Exceptional Learners, K-12 (2)
  • *EDU 318: (ESOL) Literacy & Language Diversity (3)
  • *EDU 352: Technology in Education (2)
  • *EDU 401: Portfolios (no credit)

Content Core
Health Endorsement, K-12 Major *Can only be taken after admission to Teacher Education

  • HEA 100: Community First Aid & CPR (or current CPR certification)
  • PED 100: Introduction, History & Principles of HPER
  • HWS 241: Anatomy & Kinesiology (pre-req BIO 145)
  • HWS 341: Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries
  • HWS 401: Exercise Physiology
  • HWS 110: Activity Class
  • HWS 221: Family & Community Health
  • HWS 248: Wellness for a Healthy Lifestyle
  • HWS 246: Human Nutrition
  • *HEA 301: Content for Health Teachers
  • *EDU 360: Middle School Methods
  • *HEA 340: Health Methods K-12

Professional Term *Can only be taken after admission to Teacher Education

  • *EDU 470: Student Teaching Health, 5-12 and/or
  • *EDU 469: Student Teaching Health, K-8
  • *EDU 495: Education Leadership Seminar

Four-Year Plan of Study [cross link to the Advising Page where all the 4-year plans for degrees would be "housed." The plans are PDFs.]