Curriculum Requirements

All bachelor's degrees require a minimum of 120 credit hours, inclusive of UD general education and major requirements as well as elective courses.

The Theatre major requires 49 credits as follows:

Required Core Courses (40 credits):

  • THEA 115: Introduction to Performance and Group Dynamics (3)
  • THEA 204: Stagecraft (3)
  • THEA 206: Costuming (3)
  • THEA 210: Practicum (1â€�2) â€� 4 credits required for major
  • THEA 213: Comedy Improvisation (1) â€� 3 credits required for major
  • THEA 215: Acting Iâ€� Scripted Materials (3)
  • THEA 217: Movement I (3)
  • THEA 219: Voice I (3)
  • THEA 228: Great Plays Analysis (3)
  • THEA 244: Playwriting (3)
  • THEA 250: Theatre History I (3)
  • THEA 315: Acting IIâ€� Character (3)
  • THEA 495: Senior Seminar in Theatre (3)

Creative Studies Electives from the Following (6 credits):

  • THEA 203: Sound Design (3)
  • THEA 205: Scene Design (3)
  • THEA 220: Storytelling and Performing Literature (3)
  • THEA 222: Puppetry (3)
  • THEA 235: Stage Combat (3)
  • THEA 255: Acting for Camera I (3)
  • THEA 307: Lighting Design (3)
  • THEA 310: Directingâ€� Stage (3)
  • THEA 317: Movement II (3)
  • THEA 319: Voice II (3)
  • THEA 355: Acting for Camera II (3)
  • THEA 357: Topics: Dance and Theatre (1â€�3)
  • THEA 368: Theatre Trip/Seminar (3)
  • THEA 380: Auditioning (3)
  • THEA 415: Acting IIIâ€� Methods (3)
  • THEA 460: Screen Production (3)
  • THEA 485: Internship (CV)
  • THEA 491: Independent Study (CV)

Theatre Studies Electives from the Following (3 credits):

  • DNCE 130: Introduction to World Dance (3)
  • ENG 312: Shakespeare (3)
  • MUSC 211: Broadwayâ€� History of Music (3)
  • THEA 120: Introduction to Film (3)
  • THEA 343: Theatre for Young Audiences (3)
  • THEA 350: Theatre History II (3)

Four-Year Plan of Study [cross link to the Advising Page where all the 4-year plans for degrees would be "housed." The plans are PDFs.]