Curriculum Requirements

All bachelor's degrees require a minimum of 120 credit hours, inclusive of UD general education and major requirements as well as elective courses.

The Politics major consists of required and elective courses totaling 34 credit hours:

Required Foundational Courses (6 credits):

  • PHL 114: Logical Reasoning (3)
  • ECON 102: Macroeconomics (3) OR SOC 112: Social Problems (3)

Core Courses (19 credits):

  • POLI 120: American Politics (3)
  • POLI 230: Global Politics (3)
  • POLI 274: Power and Rule (3)
  • PHL 314: Political Theory (3)
  • POLI 374: Public Policy (3)
  • POLI 485: Politics Internship (3)
  • POLI 495: Senior Seminar in Politics (1)

Elective Courses from the Following (at least 9 credits):

  • COM 325: Argument and Persuasion (3)
  • COM 328: Global Social Protest (3)
  • COM 354: Language and Social Identity (3)
  • ECON 142: Development Economics (3)
  • ECON 261: History of Economics (3)
  • ECON 262: Economic Thought (3)
  • PHL 214: Environmental Ethics (3)
  • PHL 270: Global Justice (3)
  • PHL 355: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (3)
  • PHL 356: Modern and Contemporary Philosophy (3)
  • POLI 150: Politics of Imagined Worlds (3)
  • POLI 357: Special Topics (3)
  • SCJ 215: Court Systems and Judicial Processes (3)
  • SCJ 313: Introduction to Constitutional Law (3)
  • SCJ 333: Moot Court (3)
  • SOC 228: Social Justice (3)

The Politics minor consists 21 credit hours as follows:

  • POLI 120: American Politics (3)
  • POLI 230: Global Politics (3)
  • POLI 274: Power and Rule (3)
  • PHL 314: Political Theory (3)
  • POLI 374: Public Policy (3)
  • Politics Electives (6)

Four-Year Plan of Study [cross link to the Advising Page where all the 4-year plans for degrees would be "housed." The plans are PDFs.]