The History minor offers students the interdisciplinary opportunity to better understand their present through the past while positioning themselves for employment or graduate-level work.  Students are encouraged to choose between the International Studies and Cultural Studies emphases, based upon their career objective. 

The International Studies emphasis will help prepare students for careers that require global awareness and sensitivity to the historical experience of diverse populations in a multi-ethnic society. 

The Cultural Studies emphasis will help prepare students to understand their preferred mode of cultural expression within a broader cultural and historical context and prepare for careers that engage the arts and plural American populations.

The History minor prepares students for a wide range of jobs and graduate programs, providing a useful critical complement to majors in the humanities and social sciences, such as English, fine and performing arts, liberal studies, philosophy, Christian studies, sociology, and criminal justice (particularly those interested in pursuing a career in law).  Graduate programs in these disciplines also often demand historical awareness, if not explicit history coursework.


The History minor requires 24 credits of coursework as follows:

Required Courses (12 credits):

  • INTL 115: World Geography (3)

    Two of the Following Courses (6):
  • HIST 130: Aviation History
  • HIST 211: U.S. History to 1877
  • HIST 212: U.S. History since 1877
  • HIST 234: African American History
  • HIST 301: Music's Impact in History
  • SPAN 411: History and Culture of the Hispance World

    Once of the Following Courses (3):
  • HIST 250: Museum Studies
  • HIST 260: Archival Research (3)
  • HIST 270: Oral History (3)


Four of the Following Elective Courses (12 credits):

  HIST 121        THEO 116        HWS 105  
HIST 122   REL 251   ART 111
INTL 215   MUSC 211   ART 112
INTL 220   MUSC 215   ART 368
INTL 315   MUSC 236   SOC 222
PHL 261        
ENG 331        

A variety of theatre topic courses may satisfy elective requirements upon approval from the Department of Philosophy, Politics, and History.

Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to pick courses within either an International Studies or Cultural Studies emphasis from the elective courses.

International Studies Emphasis - Select 4 Courses (12 credits):

  • HIST 121: World Civilization I
  • HIST 122: World Civilization II
  • INTL 215: Global Perspectives
  • INTL 315: Developing Nations
  • SOC 222: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • PHL 261: World Philosophies
  • THEO 116: History of Christianity
  • REL 251: Religions of the World
  • REL 253: Islam
  • REL 255: Buddhism
  • ENG 331: Studies in Global Lit

Cultural Studies Emphasis - Select 4 Courses (12 credits):

  • HIST 121: World Civilization I
  • HIST 122: World Civilization II
  • MUSC 211: Broadway: A History of the Musical
  • MUSC 215: Introduction to World Music
  • MUSC 236: Jazz History
  • HWS 105: Social-Historical Foundations of American Sport
  • ART 111: Survey of Western Art I
  • ART 112: Survey of Western Art II
  • ART 368: Art and Culture