Academic Year 2021-2022

Our University community continues to grow. In fact, we have seen record enrollment in recent years and the number of students returning from one year to the next remains consistent. This is exciting news and confirms what you already know - UD is the place to be! Please review the following information on how to complete housing reservations.

Highlights for 2022-2023

  • Students living in Townhouses will have the opportunity to purchase Park Village and Chlapaty parking lot permits. The Townhouses have limited parking available to residents and utilizing other campus parking lots will be required.
  • Returning upper class undergrads will have the option to live in a number of the 3- and 4-bedroom townhouses in Seminary Village.
  • Returning students will also have options of space in Chlapaty Hall, Park Village, UD-owned Houses, and the 3- and 4-bedroom townhouses All three traditional halls, Aitchison, Cassat, and Donnell, will be reserved for first year students.
  • Returning students with less than 90 credits by the start of the fall semester are required to live on campus according to the Residency Policy.
  • Students living in UD-owned campus houses will be responsible to provide their own internet service, if they choose to do so.
  • To reserve space on campus, students will--
    • Complete a campus housing application (Fall 2022 forms will be available the end of January or early February - watch for an email)
    • Indicate the areas where they would prefer to live
    • Show up in Residence Life at their appointed time to reserve space for the fall

The following housing areas are available for returning students for Fall 2022:

Chlapaty Hall: The sophomore hall has pod-style design allowing for a closer knit community. All rooms in this hall are double occupancy. Each floor of the new hall will have pods of 7 rooms (2 residents per room) that share a community bathroom and kitchenette accommodations. This housing option is located on campus near the Park Village apartments, and football and soccer fields. Personal refrigerators are NOT allowed, but the option of renting a refrigerator is available at

Park Village Suites: These suite-style apartments are designed to accommodate upper-class students in fully-furnished suites. Each suite has either 5 single bedrooms, or 3 single and 1 double bedroom. Bringing in your own personal refrigerators is NOT allowed, but the option of renting a small refrigerator is available at the UD-approved vendor:

Townhouses: Located next to Park Village, the townhouses offer both 3-bedroom or 4-bedroom floor plans. Married/living with a dependent students will reserve an entire townhouse and share the community with other students and their families. Accordingly, members of this community must understand and live into the specific community standards of a traditional neighborhood setting. Each townhouse has two parking spots: one in the garage and the other in front of the garage. Other vehicles will be required to park in the Park Village or Chlapaty parking lots. All residents must register their vehicle with the Office of Safety and Security, even if parking in the garage.

Campus Houses: The University owns a number of traditional houses around campus. Since these residence units are closely tied to our local Dubuque residential community, students assigned to these units will be expected to live into the specific community standards of a traditional neighborhood setting. Please see the Residence Life Office for a listing of available houses. Some houses include off-street parking; some do not. All residents living in a campus house must register their vehicle with the Office of Safety and Security, even if off-street parking is provided.

Housing Rates

*Below are current 2021-2022 housing rates and are subject to change:

Aitchison, Cassat, Donnell Halls (per student, per semester): reserved for new, incoming first-year students

Double room......$2,560 (must be residing with a roommate to qualify for this rate)

Chlapaty Hall (per student, per semester): typically second-year students

Double room......$3,000 (2 residents per room)

Park Village Suites (per student, per semester): upper-class students only

Double room......$3,375 (double room only - two residents assigned to this room)
Single room......$3,950

Townhouses (per student, per semester)

Single room......$3,950 per student

Meal Plan Rates

*Below are current 2021-22 meal rates and subject to change

Upperclass residents living in Park Village, Campus Houses, and the Townhouses are not required to carry a meal plan, but are welcome to add a meal plan by contacting Student Accounts. All residents of the three traditional resident halls (Aitchison, Cassat, and Donnell) and Chlapaty Hall are required to purchase a meal plan since the units do not include a full kitchen. Contact Student Accounts for costs associated with the meal plans.

Full Meal Plan A: 280 meals per semester (19 meals/week) - $2,635 per semester
Standard Meal Plan B: 200 meals per semester (14 meals/week) - $2,550 per semester
Minimum Meal Plan C: 150 meals per semester (10 meals/week) - $2,210 per semester
Commuter Meal Plan D: 75 meals per semester (5 meals/week) - $1,105 per semester

Dates to Remember (watch your email for specific dates and availability of forms)

  • End of January: Campus housing application forms are available in the Residence Life office (2nd floor, Peters Commons).
  • Mid-March: Campus housing application forms due to the Residence Life Office, 203 Peters Commons, by 5:00 p.m.
  • April: Students will be assigned Fall housing. 
  • End of April: Current student applications submitted after this date will be assigned a housing unit in remaining available spaces.

Housing Reservation Process for Returning Students

Each students will complete and submit the following forms to the office of Residence Life on or before 5:00 p.m. on date in early March.

  • Campus Housing Re-Application Form 

Once Residence Life has received these documents, you and your group (if applicable) will be assigned housing. All students in UD residencial housing will be required to sign an individual housing contract. 

Summer Housing

On-campus summer housing will ONLY be available for UD students who meet all three of the following criteria:

  • Lived in UD campus housing the previous spring semester;
  • Are enrolled in a UD summer face-to-face course; and
  • Are assigned fall semester UD campus housing. 

Students who meet all three of the above criteria must apply by May 1st to live on campus for any part of the summer. Forms are available in the Residence Life office. Each applicaiton will be evaluated on its own merits. A summer housing rate ($120 per week) will be applied to students' accounts for any portion of a week the student or their belongings occupy a space on campus. Students who are approved to live on campus may be required to move from one housing unit to another unit to allow maintenance and cleaning staff accessibility to prepare for the upcoming academic year. Summer students typically are housed in Park Village single room units. 

For students who remain in UD campus housing for any part of the summer (defined as the day after May graduation through the beginning of Fall semester), who do not meet the above criteria, will be assessed a housing Day Rate ($90 per day) for each day you and any of your belongings occupy a space on campus. Students who have signed a Physician Assistant or Family Residence Unit Contract are exempt from this Summer Day Rate per their contract. Contact Residence Life for additional information regarding summer housing details.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can groups of four or fewer students reserve space in Park Village?
    Groups of four students or less may be allowed to reserve space in Park Village depending on space availability. Students would need to be open to having an additional student(s) assigned to their suite.

  2. If I am unable to make my reservation in person during my appointed time, can I have a proxy complete the reservation for me?
    Yes. Students can request that someone complete their reservation by proxy. Students acting as a proxy must bring a typewritten, signed document with them indicating the wishes of the student unable to be present. Students should stop up to Residence Life within 24 hours to complete this form. 

  3. Do I need to have renters insurance to cover my personal belongings in my room?
    The University of Dubuque will not be liable for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items. Students are encouraged to carry renters insurance to cover any loss of personal items. Students are encouraged to check with their parents or legal guardians; homeowner’s policies may cover personal items used away from the home.  

  4. Can I sign up for a one semester contract?
    Residents graduating will be released from their contract upon graduation.

  5. Are the housing forms available online?
    We hope to have the forms available online (check the Housing Moodle page).

  6. What happens if I get put on a waiting list?
    If you miss the sign-up deadline or are unable to reserve space, you will be placed on a waiting list. You will be encouraged to seek accommodations off campus. You will be contacted as space becomes available and then given the opportunity to accept or decline the assignment.

  7. Can I bring my own personal refrigerator in Chlapaty/Park Village?
    No, each of the units/pods is provided with a refrigerator. You do have the option to rent an individual mini refrigerator at only one mini refrigerator is allowed per room. 

  8. Is there cross-gender pods?
    There may be both male and female pods on a given floor.

  9. Who will take care of the common areas in the Chlapaty residence hall?
    Custodial staff will be assigned to all common areas of Chlapaty Hall, very similar to traditional halls.

  10. What kind of amenities are there in Chlapaty Hall?
    Each pod will have a designated bathroom and kitchenette. The kitchenette will have a full sized refrigerator, two microwaves, and a sink that the students in that pod will share. A stove will be available for the whole hall on first floor.

  11. I know someone coming next year; can I reserve a spot for them?
    No, this process is strictly for current University of Dubuque students. Please contact Residence Life staff for more information.

  12. Will there be any access restrictions on Chlapaty Hall?
    Access will be restricted at the main entrance, as it is with all residence halls. In Chlapaty, access will also be restricted by pod, much like the floors in the traditional halls.

  13. What do I do if I want to request to live off campus?
    The University of Dubuque residency policy stipulates that all students having earned less than 90 credits at the beginning of the fall semester will reside in campus housing units, space permitting. Exemptions to this policy, criteria noted below, require vertification and approval through the Exemption from Residency Requirement process:
    • Married and living with their spouse
    • Have and/or living with a child/children or legal dependent(s)
    • Living with a parent, grandparent, sibling, and/or legal guardian and commuting daily from the home of that immediate relative within 50 miles of Dubuque.

If you would like to seek an exemption from the Residency Policy for one of these reasons, you must complete an Exemption from Residency Requirement form that you can obtain from the office of Residence Life. Your request will be reviewed and you will receive an email response. Exemptions will be granted on a one year basis only--you must apply each year.  (Example: If you are approved for Fall 2019, but do not have 90 credit hours by Fall 2020, you will be expected to reside on campus in the 2020-2021 academic year.) Students found to be living off-campus without authorization from the Dean of Student Formation through this exemption process will be charged housing fees for residence hall space. Please note: Students should not sign an off-campus lease before securing an exemption from the Residency Policy; the student will not be released from the on-campus housing requirement for this reason alone.

Additional Questions

If you have any questions, please contact the office of Residence Life (563.589.3163) or the Dean of Student Formation (563.589.3270) in Peters Commons. Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.