An endowment was created in 1983 with a gift from Elizabeth Lindsay Corbett, establishing the Edwin Blair Lindsay Chaplaincy Fund, in memory of her late hustand Edwin, a long time trustee of the University of Dubuque.

The terms of the endowment are specific and straightforward. The chaplain shall adhere to an evangelical theology within the Reformed tradition, and the funds are to be used for the spiritual birth, renewal, and enrichment of college students at the University of Dubuque. Indeed, the articles of the endowment assert that the the focus of worship, counseling, and all other ministry efforts is to be the proclamation of the evangelical Christian faith, with paritcular care given to helping college students understand the good news of Jesus Christ, so that they may indeed experience God as Savior and Lord.

Perhaps the center-piece of the chaplaincy program envisioned by the Lindsay Endowment was the renewed emphasis on chapel services. While chapel attendance remains voluntary, the endowment specifies the following: "That a minimum of one-hour weekly service of worship be held on the campus of the University of Dubuque under the authority of the chaplain, in a central place of sufficient size to accommodate all those desiring to attend. That worship services be held during regular school hours on a day of the week other than Saturday or Sunday, and that all other activities and functions of the college be suspended during that hour so all who wish to attend - students, faculty, administrators, and staff, may be freed to do so."

Campus Ministry's Mission and Vaues are built upon the Lindsay Endowment, in accordance with the University's Mission. We are grateful for the vision of Elizabeth Lindsay Corbett, and for all who have supported the University of Dubuque and our Campus Ministry.